How to improve your fuel efficiency - All Car Leasing

How To Improve Your Fuel Efficiency While Driving And Save Money

Fuel Efficiency Tips: Stretch Your Miles, Save Your Money

With fuel prices sitting at high rates and the cost of living affecting us all, making sure your fuel range is optimised to ensure you don’t have to return to the pump so often is crucial for keeping your outgoings down. Fuel range and fuel efficiency has become a particular concern for drivers who make regular long journeys or are on the road for the most part of the day.

Attempting to make your fuel last longer can be done. Helping to cut down the number of times you make a trip to the petrol station in a week and getting the most out of the fuel you have paid for.

In this blog we are offering some of our best tips for improving your vehicle’s fuel efficiency which can be done while you drive. Easy to adopt and with little impact to your journey or comfort, these methods are sure to save you a few pounds in fuel costs.

Reducing the use of heating and air-conditioning

Turning off your car’s air conditioning, especially when in traffic, will save your car from using extra power from the engine to keep the car cool. The same can be said for your vehicle’s car in winter. Do not leave your car sitting stationary with the heating, particularly if this is your method for de-icing. To improve your fuel efficiency and to ensure your engine isn't under strain by your air conditioning/heating system, try to reduce the use of this as much as possible. However, this being said, if you’re driving at faster speeds on the motorway, having your window down can impact the aerodynamics, therefore straining the engine. Turning your air conditioning on in this instance would be more efficient.

Go gently on the pedal to improve energy consumption

Driving at higher speeds and particularly revving your engine will burn excess fuel. This is why we suggest being gentle on your accelerator. Making sure not to accelerate too hard or rev your engine in a lower gear. Driving with care plays a simple but important role in improving your car’s fuel efficiency.

Drive light, don't carry around extra weight in your vehicle

Carrying extra weight in your vehicle, whether it’s in the boot or distributed throughout the interior, will add strain to your engine. Requiring more fuel to power the movement of your car. It’s a simple tip but we suggest removing any goods, roof racks, tow hooks, and emptying your boot when you do not need them in tow. This is also important from a safety perspective. Having items loose in the car, on a passenger seat or in the footwell, could cause further injury or damage in the event of a collision or accident.

Make sure your tyres are fully and correctly inflated

Checking the pressure of your tyres may seem like a boring and useless job, but tyres with the right pressure not only keep you safe but can save you money too. Driving on tyres with pressure that is too low gives your vehicle more work to do, burning more fuel for the energy to turn these wheels. We suggest checking your tyre pressure regularly and adding air when the pressure is too low. You should also be replacing tyres that have become worn and no longer fit the legal standards.

Another quick tip for improving your fuel efficiency and saving yourself from constantly filling up at the pumps, is to keep up with basic car maintenance. Particularly focusing on your engine oil levels and making sure that air vents are cleaned and not blocked by dust or dirt.